Saturday, March 28, 2009

IBM Research Papers - Copyrighted

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72% Thomas Kwok; Thao Nguyen (2007). "Document Management and Electronic Signature in an Online Contract Service" in RC24269 Abstract and Preprint
72% Heiko Ludwig (2006). "WS-Agreement Concepts and Use - Agreement-Based Service-Oriented Architectures" in RC23949 Abstract and Preprint
72% Vinayaka Pandit, Rohit Khandekar (2005). "Online Sorting Buffers On Line" in RI05008 Abstract and Preprint
72% Michael Ben-Or, Don Coppersmith, Mike Luby, Ronitt Rubinfeld (2004). "Non-Abelian Homomorphism Testing, and Distributions Close to Their Self-Convolutions" in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 3122, (no ), pages 273-85 Abstract
72% Marcel A. Kossel; Thomas Morf; W. Baumberger; Alice Biber; Christian Menolfi; Thomas Toifl; Martin Schmatz (2005). "A Multiphase PLL for 10 Gb/s Links in SOI CMOS Technology" in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, volume , (no ), pages Abstract and Preprint
72% Raymond A. Lorie; Raymond J. van Diessen (2005). "UVC: A Universal Virtual Computer for Long-term Preservation of Digital Information" in RJ10338 Abstract and Preprint
72% Michael Ben Or; Don Coppersmith; Mike Luby; Ronnitt Rubinfeld (2004). "Non-Abelian Homomorphism Testing, and Distributions Close to their Self-Convolutions" in RC23465 Abstract and Preprint
72% Moses Charikar, Joseph Naor, Baruch Schieber (2004). "Resource Optimization in QoS Multicast Routing of Real-Time Multimedia" in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, volume 12, (no 2), pages 340-8 Abstract and Preprint
72% Arup Acharya, Sachin Ganu, Archan Misra (2004). "DCMA: A Label Switching MAC for Efficient Packet Forwarding in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks" in RC23210 Abstract and Preprint
72% N.R. Adiga, G. Almasi, G.S. Almasi, Y. Aridor, R. Barik, D. Beece, R. Bellofatto, G. Bhanot, R. Bickford, M. Blumrich, A.A. Bright, J. Brunheroto, C. Ca. caval, J. Castaños, W. Chan, L. Ceze, P. Coteus, S. Chatterjee, D. Chen, G. Chiu, T.M. Cipolla, P. Crumley, K.M. Desai, A. Deutsch, T. Domany, M.B. Dombrowa, W. Donath, M. Eleftheriou, C. Erway, J. Esch, B. Fitch, J. Gagliano, A. Gara, R. Garg, R. Germain, M.E. Giampapa, B. Gopalsamy, J. Gunnels, M. Gupta, F. Gustavson, S. Hall, R.A. Haring, D. Heidel, P. Heidelberger, L.M. Herger, D.Hoenicke, R.D. Jackson, T. Jamal-Eddine, G.V. Kopcsay, E. Krevat, M.P. Kurhekar, A.P. Lanzetta, D. Lieber, L.K. Liu, M. Lu, M. Mendell, A. Misra, Y. Moatti, L. Mok, J.E. Moreira, B.J. Nathanson, M. Newton, M. Ohmacht, A. Oliner, V. Pandit, R.B. Pudota, R. Rand, R. Regan, B. Rubin, A. Ruehli, S. Rus, R.K. Sahoo, A. Sanomiya, E. Schenfeld, M. Sharma, E.Shmueli, S. Singh, P. Song, V. Srinivasan, B.D. Steinmacher-Burow, K. Strauss, C. Surovic, R. Swetz, T. Takken, R.B. Tremaine, M. Tsao, A.R. Umamaheshwaran, P. Verma, P. Vranas, T.J.C Ward, M. Wazlowski, W. Barrett, C. Engel, B. Drehmel, B. Hilgart, D. Hill, F. Kasemkhani, D. Krolak, C.T. Li, T.Liebsch, J. Marcella, A. Muff, A. Okomo, M. Rouse, A. Schram, M.Tubbs, G. Ulsh, C. Wait, J. Wittrup, M. Bae, K. Dockser, L. Kissel, M.K. Seager, J.S. Vetter, K. Yates (2002). "An Overview of The BlueGene/L Supercomputer" in RC22570 Abstract and Preprint
72% Florian Gerbl and Maria Gabrani (2002). "Requirements of a Generic Segmentation and Reassembly Building Block" in RZ3446 Abstract and Preprint
72% Arup Acharya, Archan Misra, Sorav Bansal (2002). "A Label-switching Packet Forwarding Architecture for Multi-hop Wireless LANs" in RC22512 Abstract and Preprint
72% Toshiyuki Hama (2002). "Estimating performance model of a business web site from response times in stress test" SAINT 2002, unknown Abstract
72% Amane Nakajima and Yoshinori Aoki (1999). "Transformation of Web Event Sequences for Analysis of Users' Web Operation" 1999 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Japan, IEEE, vol.4, p.111-116 Abstract
72% Arup Acharya, Archan Misra, Sorav Bansal (2002). "MACA-P: A MAC Protocol to Improve Parallelism in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks" in RC22325 Abstract and Preprint
72% A. Stalder, U. Durig (1995). "Oscillating String as Force Sensor in Scanning Force Microscopy" Proceedings of NATO ASI on Forces in Scanning Probe Methods, edited by H.-J. Guenterodt et al., Dordrecht, Kluwer, p.69-75 Abstract
72% Martin Charles Golumbic, Tirza Hirst, Moshe Lewenstein (2001). "Uniquely Restricted Matchings" in Algorithmica , volume 31, (no 2), pages 139-54 Abstract
72% Kishore Papineni (2000). "A Generalized Kullback-Leibler Distance and its Minimization" in RC21815 Abstract and Preprint
72% Richard Han, Veronique Perret, Mahmoud Naghshineh (2000). "Websplitter: Multi-Device Collaborative Web Browsing" in RC21744 Abstract and Preprint
72% André Guéziec (1998). "Evaluating the Registration of 3-D Points to 3-D Lines With Applications to the Pose Estimation In a Projective Image" in RC21237 Abstract and Preprint
72% Saugata Basu (1998). "On the Combinatorial and Topological Complexity of a Single Cell" in RC21239 Abstract
71% Michael C. McCord (2006). "A Formal System for Slot Grammar" in RC23976 Abstract and Preprint
71% Peter A. Franaszek; Dan E. Poff (2007). "Delay-Cost Scheduling for Multithreaded, Multicore Machines" in RC24167 Abstract and Preprint
71% Yosuke Ozawa, Teruo Koyanagi, Mari Abe, Liangzhao Zeng (2007). "A Hybrid Event-Processing Architecture based on the Model-driven Approach for High Performance Monitoring" in RT0728 Abstract and Preprint
71% Shinya KAWANAKA, Haruo HOSOYA (2007). "biXid: A Bidirectional Transformation Language for MXL" in RT0673 Abstract
71% Toshihiro Takahashi, Hideyuki Mizuta (2007). "EFFICIENT AGENT-BASED SIMULATION FRAMEWORK FOR MULTI-NODE SUPERCOMPUTERS" in RT0668 Abstract
71% Hisashi MIYASHITA and Makoto MURATA (2007). "Composable XML Transformations with Tree Transducers" in RT0618 Abstract
71% Sergey Bravyi (2007). "Upper Bounds on Entangling Rates of Bipartite Hamiltonians" in RC24401 Abstract and Preprint
71% Avraham Leff; James T. Rayfield (2007). "Relational Blocks: A Visual Dataflow Language for Relational Web-Applications (original title: WebRB: a Language and Runtime For Multi-Page Relational Web-Applications)" Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2007), (, IEEE. , p.205-8 Abstract
71% Ta-Hsin Li (2007). "A Statistical Framework for Optimal Workload Consolidation with Application to Capacity Planning for On-Demand Computing" in American Statistical Association. Journal, volume 102, (no 479), pages 841-855 Abstract
71% Stan Polonsky; Gustavo A. Stolovitzky; Stephen Rossnagel (2007). "DNA transistor" in RC24242 Abstract and Preprint
71% Issei Yoshida (2007). "A Formal Study of Algebraic Constraint" Abstract and Preprint
71% Takaaki Tateishi, Naoshi Tabuchi (2007). "Secure Behavior of Web Browsers to Prevent Information Leakages" in RT0736 Abstract and Preprint
71% Gianfranco BIilardi; Kattamuri Ekanadham; Pratap Pattnaik (2007). "On Approximating the Ideal Random Access Machine by Physical Machines" in RC24379 Abstract and Preprint
71% Rohan Choudhary, Sameep Mehta, Amitabha Bagchi and Rahul Balakrishnan (2007). "A Framework for Exploration of News Corpora by Actor Evolution and Interaction" in RI07004 Abstract and Preprint
71% Thomas Kwok; Thao Nguyen; Linh Lam; Trieu Chieu (2007). "A Web-based and Email Driven Electronic Contract Management System" in RC24285 Abstract and Preprint
71% Oktay Günlük (2007). "A New Min-Cut Max-Flow Ratio for Multicommodity Flows" in SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, volume 21, (no 1), pages 1-15 Abstract and Preprint
71% Trieu C. Chieu; Thao Nguyen; Liangzhao Zeng (2007). "Secure Search of Private Documents in an Enterprise Content Management System" in RC24326 Abstract and Preprint
71% Wei Tan; Liana Fong; Norman Bobroff (2007). "BPEL4Job: A Fault-handling Design for Job Flow Management" in RC24266 Abstract and Preprint
71% Kamal Bhattacharya, Cagdas Gerede, Richard Hull, Rong Liu, Jianwen Su (2007). "Towards formal analysis of artifact-centric business process models" in RC24282 Abstract and Preprint
71% Sebastian Hudert; Heiko Ludwig; Guido Wirtz (2007). "Negotiating SLAs: An Approach for a Generic Negotiation Framework for WS-Agreement" in RC24248 Abstract and Preprint
71% J. A. De Loera; Jon Lee; S. Margulies; S. Onn (2007). "Expressing Combinatorial Optimization Problems by Systems of Polynomial Equations and the Nullstellensatz" in RC24276 Abstract and Preprint
71% Trieu C. Chieu; Hoi Chan (2007). "Aspect-Oriented Web Services for Distributed Resource Monitoring in Utility Computing" in RC24256 Abstract and Preprint
71% Lurng-Kuo Liu; Qiang Liu; Apostol (Paul) Natsev; Kenneth A. Ross; John R. Smith; Ana Lucia Varbanescu (2007). "Digital Media Indexing on the Cell Processor" in RC24250 Abstract and Preprint
71% Sandeep Bhadra; Yingdong Lu; Mark S. Squillante (2007). "Optimal Capacity Planning in Stochastic Loss Networks with Time-Varying Workloads" in RC24241 Abstract and Preprint
71% Alexandre Belloni; Robert M. Freund (2007). "A Geometric Analysis of Renegar's Condition Number, and its Interplay with Conic Curvature" in RC24236 Abstract and Preprint
71% Takayuki Yoshizumi; Toshiyuki Hama (2007). "A heuristic method for scheduling problems with position constraints" in RT0718 Abstract and Preprint
71% Sanjeeb Dash, Oktay Günlük, Andrea Lodi (2007). "MIR Closures of Polyhedral Sets" in RC24203 Abstract and Preprint
71% Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Bugra Gedik, Kirsten W. Hildrum, Charu C. Aggarwal, Eric Bouillet, Wei Fan, David A. George, Xiaohui Gu, Gang Luo, Haixun Wang (2007). "Challenges and Experience in Prototyping a Multi-Modal Stream Analytic and Monitoring Application on System S" in RC24199 Abstract and Preprint
71% Bugra Gedik; Rajesh R. Bordawekar; Philip S. Yu (2007). "CellSort: High Performance Sorting on the Cell Processor" in RC24161 Abstract and Preprint
71% Volker Strumpen (2007). "A Multithreaded Processor Architecture with Implicit Granularity Adaptation" in RC24184 Abstract and Preprint
71% Scott Garriss; Ramón Cáceres; Stefan Berger; Reiner Sailer; Leendert van Doorn; Xiaolan Zhang (2007). "Trustworthy Personalized Computing on Public Kiosks" in RC24169 Abstract and Preprint
71% Uri Shani; Aviad Sela; Inna Skarbovsky (2006). "A High-Performance Domain Specific Parallel and Distributed Massive Collection System" in H-0250 Abstract and Preprint
71% Uri Shani; Ziva Sommer; David Botzer (2005). "Towards a Real-Time Ad-Hoc Intelligent Collaboration in a Pervasive Environment" in H-0249 Abstract and Preprint
71% Sei Kato, Toshiyuki Yamane and Takahide Nogayama (2007). "Automated Performance Problem Determination by Observing Service Demand" , IEEE Abstract and Preprint
71% Dipanjan Chakraborty; Koustuv Dasgupta; Archan Misra (2007). "Efficient Querying and Resource Management Using Distributed Presence Information in Converged Networks" in RC24165 Abstract and Preprint
71% Hiroki Yanagisawa (2007). "A Simple Algorithm for Lattice Point Counting in Rational Polygons" in RT0622 Abstract and Preprint
71% David Daly; Jong Hyuk Choi; José E. Moreira; Amos P. Waterland (2007). "Base Operating System Provisioning and Bringup for a Commercial Supercomputer" in RC24150 Abstract and Preprint
71% Moriyoshi Ohara; Hangu Yeo; Frank Savino; Giridharan Iyengar; Leiguang Gong; Hiroshi Inoue; Hideaki Komatsu; Vadim Sheinin; Shahrokh Daijavad; Bradley Erickson (2006). "Real-time Mutual-Information-Based Linear Registration on the Cell Broadband Engine Processor" in RC24138 Abstract and Preprint
71% Sebastian Hudert; Heiko Ludwig; Guido Wirtz (2006). "A Negotiation Protocol Framework for WS-Agreement" in RC24094 Abstract and Preprint
71% Scott Garriss; Ramón Cáceres; Stefan Berger; Reiner Sailer; Leendert van Doorn; Xiaolan Zhang (2006). "Towards Trustworthy Kiosk Computing" in RC24081 Abstract and Preprint
71% Thomas Y. Kwok; Thao Nguyen (2006). "An Automatic Method to Extract Data from an Electronic Contract Composed of a Number of Documents in PDF Format" Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on e-Commerce Technology (CEC 2006), , IEEE Computer Society, p.258-62 Abstract and Preprint
71% Biplav Srivastava (2006). "AutoSeek: A Method to Identify Candidate Automation Steps in a Service Delivery Process" in RI06008 Abstract and Preprint
71% Alexandre Belloni; Robert M. Freund; Santosh Vempala (2006). "An Efficient Re-scaled Perceptron Algorithm for Conic Systems" in RC24073 Abstract and Preprint
71% Paul A. Moskowitz; Andris Lauris; Stephen S. Morris (2006). "A Privacy-Enhancing Radio Frequency Identification Tag: Implementation of the Clipped Tag" in RC23937 Abstract and Preprint
71% Luis-Felipe Cabrera, Laura Haas, Joel Richardson, Peter Schwarz, Jim Stamos (1990). "The Melampus Project: Toward an Okmniscient Computing System" in RJ7515 Abstract and Preprint
71% Ram Chillarege; P. Santhanam (2006). ""Tail Splitting" to Predict Failing Software Modules --with a Case Study on an Operating Systems Product" in RC24045 Abstract and Preprint
71% David Breitgand; Amir Nahir; Danny Raz (2006). "To Know or Not to Know: On the Needed Amount of Management Information" in H-0242 Abstract and Preprint
71% Tong Chen; Zehra Sura; Kathryn O'Brien; Kevin O'Brien (2006). "Optimizing the Use of Static Buffers for DMA on a CELL Chip" in RC24021 Abstract and Preprint
71% Trieu C. Chieu; Pawan Chowdhary; Shiwa S. Fu; Florian Pinel; Jih-Shyr Yih (2006). "Enterprise Telesales Opportunity Pipelines Performance Management" in RC24018 Abstract and Preprint
71% Robert Wittrock (2006). "An Introduction to WIT: Watson Implosion Technology" in RC24013 Abstract and Preprint
71% Jochen M. Kuester; Ksenia Ryndina; Rainer F. Hauser (2005). "A Systematic Approach to Designing Model Transformations" in RZ3621 Abstract and Preprint
71% Trent Jaeger; Patrick McDaniel; Luke St. Clair; Reiner Sailer; Ramón Cáceres (2006). "Shame on Trust in Distributed Systems" in RC23964 Abstract and Preprint
71% Christian Kromer; G. Sialm; D. Erni; H. Jaeckel; Thomas Morf; Marcel A. Kossel (2006). "A 40 Gb/s Optical Receiver for Short-Distance High-Density Interconnects in 80-nm CMOS" in RZ3669 Abstract
71% Ioana Boier-Martin; Holly Rushmeier (2006). "Reverse Engineering Methods for Digital Restoration Applications" in RC23991 Abstract and Preprint
71% Michael C. McCord (2006). "The Slot Grammar Lexical Formalism" in RC23977 Abstract and Preprint
71% Michael C. McCord (2006). "Using Slot Grammar" in RC23978 Abstract and Preprint
71% Constantin Adam; Giovanni Pacifici; Michael Spreitzer; Rolf Stadler; Malgorzata Steinder; Chunqiang Tang (2006). "A Decentralized Application Placement Controller for Web Applications" in RC23980 Abstract and Preprint

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