1MV Offset Clock-Tunable Monolithic 5-Pole Lowpass Filter: DN67 Design Notes (Linear Technology) (app note added 6/06)
Akerberg-Mossberg AM Second Order Lowpass inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
Applications for a DC Accurate Lowpass Switched-Capacitor Filter: AN20 Linear Technology Discusses principles of operation of LTC1062 and helpful hints for its application. Various application circuits are explained in detail with focus on how to cascade two LTC1062s and how to obtain notches. Noise and distortion performance are fully illustrated.
Bach Second Order Lowpass non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
Berka-Herpy BH Second Order Lowpass non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
Centronics Port DA Converters and Lowpass Filter: (circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Chebyshe Volt/Butterworth Filters: (electronic circuit added 7/03)
Chopper Amplifiers Complement a DC Accurate Low-Pass Filter: DN9 Design Notes (Linear Technology) (app note added 1/06)
First Order Lowpass I non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
First Order Lowpass II non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
Fliege Second Order Lowpass non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
KHN Inverting Input Second Order Lowpass inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
KHN Non-Inverting Input Second Order Lowpass non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
LowPass Filter: Simple 3 coil, 4 capacitor Low Pass Filter. (circuit added 8/06)
Low-Pass Filter RFI Filter: Circuit Ideas for Designers Application Notes Advanced Linear Devices, Inc. (app note added 6/06)
Lowpass, 30-kHz Bessel filter offers high performance for audio applications: 2/16/2006 EDN Design Ideas / (added 05/07) Careful selection of amplifiers and components helps achieve the lowest levels of noise and distortion for higher-order filter.
Low-Sensitivity, Lowpass Filter Design: National Semiconductor Application Note (app note added 2/06)
LTC1560-1: Tiny 1MHz Lowpass Filter uses No Inductors: DN169 Design Notes (Linear Technology) (app note added 1/06)
Mikhael-Bhattacharyya MB Second Order Lowpass non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
Multiple Feedback MFB Second Order Lowpass I inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
Multiple Feedback MFB Second Order Lowpass II inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
OA-27: OA-27 Low-Sensitivity, Lowpass Filter Design: National Semiconductor Application Note (app note added 2/06)
Replace Discrete Lowpass Filters with the LTC1563 Zero Design Effort Two Item Bom and No Surprises: DN251 Design Notes (Linear Technology) (app note added 1/06)
Sallen-Key SK Second order Lowpass I non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
Sallen-Key SK Second order Lowpass II non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
SSB AF Filter: This is a simple filter that restricts the LF response a little as well providing quite a heavy HF roll-off. The prototype has enhanced a Yaesu FT101B that was only fitted with an AM IF filter. The IC is an LM358. (added 02/05)
Tow-Thomas TT Second Order Lowpass non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
Twin-T Second Order Lowpass non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
Unique Applications for the LTC1062 Lowpass Filter: AN24 Linear Technology Highlights the LTC1062 as a lowpass filter in a phase lock loop. Describes how the loop's bandwidth can be increased and the VCO output jitter reduced when the LTC1062 is the loop filter. Compares it with a passive RC loop filter. Also discussed is the use of LTC1062 as simple bandpass and band stop filter.
Active Filter has Wideband Tuning Range: 03/28/96 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 4/02)
First Order Lowpass III inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
Adjustable Filter Provides Lowpass Response: 03/01/01 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 11/05)
Single Resistor Tunes Lowpass Filter: 08/21/03 EDN Design Ideas / (added 12/04) Any tunable, second-order, active RC-filter section requires at least two thoroughly matched variable resistors. But the lowpass implementation in Figure 1 provides for wide-range cutoff-frequency control using only a single variable resistor, R. In addition to the resistor, this filter comprises an operational amplifier, IC2, which serves as a unity-gain buffer; two capacitors, C1 and C2; ......
Lowpass Filter Discriminates Step Input from Noise: 09/18/03 EDN Design Ideas / (added 12/04) Numerous applications exist in industry, particularly with control systems, in which it is desirable to remove all but the lowest frequency components from a signal to effectively yield a dc voltage. This voltage may, for example, serve as a setpoint to a PID controller in a process-control or an HVAC application, in which the cable that is carrying the analog signal is exposed to a wide spectra......
Ultrasonic Switch: Circuit of a new type of remote control switch is described here. This circuit functions with inaudible (ultrasonic) sound. Sound of frequency up to 20 kHz is audible to human beings. The sound of frequency above 20 kHz is called ultrasonic sound. The circuit described generates (transmits) ultrasonic sound of frequency between 40 and 50 kHz. As with any other remote control system this cirucit too comprises a mini transmitter and a receiver circuit. Transmitter generates ultrasonic…. (added 10/05)
Ultrasonic Transducer Oscillator Circuit: ASCII format (added 7/02)
added 6/07)
First Order Highpass II non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
First Order Highpass III inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
First Order Highpass IV inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
Fliege Second Order Highpass non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
Highpass Filters Use Modified Equalelement Design: 05/24/01 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 5/03) Using a modified equal-element design for a lumped-circuit lowpass filter has several advantages over the well-known equal-element design (Reference 1 and Reference 2). The modified design exhibits superior passband performance with only modest degradation of stopband selectivity. Moreover, the ....
KHN Inverting Input Second Order Highpass inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
KHN Non-Inverting Input Second Order Highpass non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
Mikhael-Bhattacharyya MB Second Order Highpass non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
Lowpass Filter has Improved Step Response: 02/19/04 EDN Design Ideas / (added 12/04) A common problem that arises when you design lowpass filters for signal conditioning is the filters' effect on the system's time-domain response. Because pushing the cutoff frequency lower slows the step response, the system may fail to recognize significant changes within a reasonable amount of time....
Precision Level Shifter has Excellent CMRR: 04/15/04 EDN Design Ideas / (added 1/05) Most designers make level shifters with op amps and 1%-tolerance discrete resistors. Discrete-resistor mismatching limits the op amp's CMMR (common-mode rejection ratio) to 40 dB, so you cannot use op amps in circuits that require high CMRR. Differential amplifiers contain precision matched internal resistors, so ICs such as the INA133 can readily achieve CMRRs of approximately 90 dB....
Brick-wall lowpass audio filter needs no tuning: 9/14/2006 EDN Design Ideas / (added 05/07) Gyrator supercapacitors eliminate the need for inductors in this 15-kHz filter.
LX1741/1742 Formula Calculator for AN22: MicroNote 1310 from Microsem (app note added 3/06)
Model Fixed Point DSP Arithmetic in C: 03/18/99 EDN-Design Ideas / (Schematic / circuit added 10/05) You can run initial high-level simulations of custom numerical algorithms, such as digital filters, using floating-point numbers in an environment such as C or Matlab. Unfortunately, you won't see include fixed-point effects, such as truncation due to limited precision and register overflow, until you use a Hardware Design Language (HDL), such as Verilog or VHDL. However, a technique that models these effects in C—the function "bit_limit" in Listing 1—provides faster execution and better portability than HDLs and allows early exploration of the trade-off between bus width and performance.
MW Active Antenna: This circuit is designed to amplify the input from a telescopic whip antenna. The preamplifier is designed to cover the medium waveband from about 550Khz to 1650Khz. The tuning voltage required is 1 to 12 volts and can be obtained from a 10k potentiometer connected to the 12 Volt power supply. RV1 is the gain control allowing weak signals to be amplified or strong signals to be attenuated. The control voltage is applied to gate 2 of TR1, a dual-gate MOSFET, the signal voltage applied via gate 1; the input signal being tuned via L1 and the two varicap diodes at the MOSFET's input and also by L2 and the varicaps at the MOSFET's drain terminal. Both tuned circuits provide high selectivity across the entire tuning range. To aid stability the MOSFET.... (added 10/05)
OA-26: OA-26 Designing Active High Speed Filters: National Semiconductor - Application Note (app note added 2/06)
Regenerating the DS1847 / DS1848 Resistor Calibration Constants: Maxim Application Notes / 1921 / Jun-08 (app note added 3/06)
Resistor Calculator : Luxeon Application Note (app note added 3/06)
RISC µP Implements Fast FIR Filter: 01/21/99 EDN-Design Ideas / (Schematic / circuit added 10/05) When it comes to implementing a fast FIR filter, current RISC µPs can compete with DSP µPs. The FIR algorithm continuously implements the following equation: N=n–1 Out=Sum[in(t[-]n)coeff(n)] N=0,....
Subwoofer Equalizer: The Linkwitz transform circuit is a hugely flexible way to equalize the bottom end of a sealed loudspeaker enclosure. A speaker that is corrected using this method is flat from below resonance to the upper limit of the selected driver. The low frequency roll off point is determined by the parameters of the transform circuit. Should the enclosure size be too small and cause a lump in the response before roll off, this is also corrected. A conventional active crossover network is then used to divide the subwoofer signal from the main channel signals. Note that there is also a separate spreadsheet calculator available for calculating component values for different situations not handled by the original circuit. (Electronic Circuit added 03/06)
Micro Power AM Broadcast Transmitters: In this circuit, a 74HC14 hex Schmitt trigger inverter is used as a square wave oscillator to drive a small signal transistor in a Class C amplifier configuration. The oscillator frequency can be either fixed by a crystal or made adjustable VFO with a capacitor/resistor combination. (added 4/02)
Micropower AM Band radio station: (circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Pi Filter has Sharp Notch: Electronic Design 10/1/97 Simple filter network makes a great low-pass filter having a sharp notch just outside passband. Can be implemented as active filter using GIC circuit. Voted best of issue! (added 9/04)
Pi Section Coupler: (electronic circuit added 1/03)
RF Amplifier for Ferrite Bar Antennas: (electronic circuit added 1/03)
Unamplified Four Foot Box Loop: (electronic circuit added 1/03)
ZN414 AM Receiver: (circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
AM BCB Radio Receiver: (electronic circuit added 7/03)
AM Receiver for Aircraft Communications: (electronic circuit added 7/03)
AM Receiver: (schematic added 9/02)
AM-Receiver for Aircraft Communication (118.250MHz): (electronic circuit added 4/05)
Designing an AM Receiver For Low Power Wireless Systems Using the NEC UPC2768GR IC (7/22/96) : Application Note California Eastern Laboratories Doc #921 (app note added 6/06)
One-transistor Regenerative AM Receiver: A classic design revamped slightly. Features a single-transistor regen stage, and a range of 1000 miles with a 4-foot antenna. Perhaps the best "survival radio", yet. Now updated with speaker amplifier. (circuit design added 7/06)
Powerful AM Transmitter: (electronic circuit added 10/05)
Basic RF Transmitter for PIR Sensors: (diagram added 6/03)
Battery Low Voltage Beeper: This circuit provides an audible and visual low voltage warning for 12V battery powered devices. Idle current: 6ma Low Voltage Warning current: 15ma…. (schematic added 9/02)
Beeper: This circuit produces sound of a beeper like one in pagers which produces a "beep-beep" sound. Basically circuit consists of a 555 timer oscillator which is turned ON and OFF periodically. The first C (left) oscillates at about 1Hz. The second IC is turned ON and OFF by first IC. The first IC determines how fast second IC.... (added 10/05)
Big Ben Sound: This circuit produces famous Big Ben sound. It produces "ding dong" sound when switched ON. Basically circuit alternates between two frequencies which are adjustable. This produces "ding-dong" sound. The first C (left) oscillates at about 1Hz. The second IC's tone is modulated by changing voltage at output of first IC..... (added 10/05)
ZN414 Portable AM Receiver: An AM portable radio receiver made from the ZN414 IC. The ZN414 IC has now been replaced by the MK484 which is identical in performance and pinout. (added 10/05)
AM DSB Transmitter for Hams: circuit diagram of simple double side band suppressed carrier (DSBSC) transmitter for hams. Circuit uses crystal oscillator, crystal can be switched for multi band operation. . (added 9/04)
AM Transmitter (circuitdb): circuit is deliberately limited in power output but will provide amplitude modulation (AM) of voice over the medium wave band. The circuit is in two halfs, an audio amplifier and an RF oscillator. (added 2/07)
AM Transmitter (zen22142): (design added 8/03)
AM Transmitter (zen22142): (electronic circuit added 4/05)
Micro Power AM Broadcast Transmitter: In this circuit, a 74HC14 hex Schmitt trigger inverter is used as a square wave oscillator to drive a small signal transistor in a Class C amplifier configuration. The oscillator frequency can be either fixed by a crystal or made adjustable (VFO) with a capacitor/resistor combination. (added 4/02)
A 4 to 20 mA loop needs no external power source: 09/13/01 EDN Design Ideas / (added 11/05) The simple circuit in Figure 1 uses a low-current-drain MAX4073H amplifier to sense the current flowing through a 4- to 20-mA loop. The circuit senses the current through a 1Ω resistor with a fixed gain of 100 and uses no battery or dc power supply. The low current drain of the amplifier (0.
A Design and Manufacturing Guide for the Lead Frame Chip Scale Package (LFCSP): AN-772 - Analog Devices Application Notes (added 2/06)
A User's Guide to I.C. Instrumentation Amplifiers: AN-244 - Analog Devices Application Notes (added 2/06)
AC Current Monitor: Senses high current-flow into power cables. No wire-cutting, three versions available. (circuit design added 3/05)
AC Line Current Detector: (circuit added 7/02)
Active Feedback IC Serves as Current Sensing Instrumentation Amplifier: 07/24/03 EDN Design Ideas / (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06) High-speed current sensing presents a designer with some significant challenges. Most techniques for sensing current involve measuring the differential voltage the current produces as it flows through a sense element, such as a resistor or a Hall-effect device. The differential voltage across the sense element is generally small and is often riding on a common-mode voltage that is considerably ......
Active feedback IC Serves as Current sensing instrumentation Amplifier: 07/24/03 EDN Design Ideas / (added 1/05) High-speed current sensing presents a designer with some significant challenges. Most techniques for sensing current involve measuring the differential voltage the current produces as it flows through a sense element, such as a resistor or a Hall-effect device. The differential voltage across the sense element is generally small and is often riding on a common-mode voltage that is considerably ......
AN-244: A User's Guide to I.C. Instrumentation Amplifiers: AN-244 - Analog Devices Application Notes (added 2/06)
AN-245: Instrumentation Amplifiers Solve Unusual Design Problems: AN-245 - Analog Devices Application Notes (added 2/06) Traditionally Considered Only for Transducer-Conditioning Applications, Instrumentation Amplifiers Bring Unique Performance Benefits to a Range of Other Applications as Well.
AN-282: Fundamentals of Sampled Data Systems: AN-282 - Analog Devices Application Notes (added 2/06)
AN-345: Grounding for Low-and-High-Frequency Circuits: AN-345 - Analog Devices Application Notes (added 2/06) Know Your Ground and Signal Paths for Effective Designs. Current Flow Seeks Path of Least Impedance-Not Just Resistance....
AN35 High-Side Current Sensing: Considerations and Applications for High-Side Current Monitoring: Zetec Semiconductors - Applications Notes - A guide for using the ZXCT range of products. Contained within the note are application ideas for extended supply ranges, a circuit for bi-directional current sensing and an over-current/short circuit protection circuit. Now updated and contained within AN39 (added 2/06)
AN39 Current Measurement Applications Handbook: Zetec Semiconductors - Applications Notes - This applications handbook explores how the requirements affect the design for AC and DC current measurement and the implications on cost and performance for different approaches. (added 2/06)
AN-539: Errors and Error Budget Analysis in Instrumentation Amplifier Applications: AN-539 - Analog Devices Application Notes (added 2/06) Describes a systematic approach to calculating the overall error in an instrumentation amplifier application.
AN-589: Ways to Optimize the Performance of a Difference Amplifier: AN-589 - Analog Devices Application Notes (added 2/06) This Application Note presents several ways to build and optimize the performance of a discrete difference amplifier. It also recommends amplifiers that will make the overall solution cost/performance competitive with monolithic instrument amplifiers.
AN-597: Current Feedback Amplifiers: National Semiconductor - Application Note (added 2/06)
AN-671: Reducing RFI Rectification Errors in In-Amp Circuits: AN-671 - Analog Devices Application Notes (added 2/06)
AN-683: Strain Gage Measurement using an AC Excitation: AN-683 - Analog Devices Application Notes (added 2/06)
AN-772: A Design and Manufacturing Guide for the Lead Frame Chip Scale Package (LFCSP): AN-772 - Analog Devices Application Notes (added 2/06)
AN-840: Development of an Extensive SPICE Macromodel for 'Current-Feedback' Amplifiers: National Semiconductor - Application Note (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Analog input circuit Serves any microController: 12/20/01 EDN - Design Ideas / (Electronic circuit added 10/03) The simple ADC in Figure 1 is perfect for getting analog signals into a purely digital microcontroller. Using just five surface-mount parts, you can assemble it for less than 50 cents (1000), which is approximately half the cost of a single-chip-ADC approach in the same volume. Moreover, this design takes only one pin from the microcontroller to operate. .
Bias Voltage and Current Sense Circuits for Avalanche Photodiodes: AN92 - Linear Technology - Avalanche photodiodes, used in laser based fiberoptic systems, require high voltage bias and accurate, wide range current monitoring. Bias voltage varies from 15V-90V and current ranges from 100nA to 1mA, a 10,000:1 dynamic range. This publication presents various 5 volt powered circuits which meet these requirements. Appended sections detail specific circuit techniques and cover measurement practice.
1 In/4 Out Audiodistribution Amplifier : (electronic Circuit added 03/06)
1.5 Volt Amplified Ear: Useful to listen in faint sounds1.5-Volt
10 Watt Audio Amplifier: (electronic design added 6/07)
100 Watt Amp Circuit: Here is a simple and cheap amp to make. (added 10/05)
100 Watt Guitar Amplifier Mk2: (electronic Circuit diagram added 03/03)
100 Watt Guitar Amplifier: The original of the unit above. Retained for posterity, and has speaker box details (schematic added 6/07)
100 Watt RMS Amplifier: This is a100-Watt basic power amp that was designed to be (relatively) easy to build at a reasonable cost. It has better performance (read: musical quality) than standard STK module amps that are used in practically every mass market stereo receiver manufactured today. When I originally built this thing, it was because I needed a100 WPC amp and didn't want to spend any money. So I designed around parts I had in shop. (added 4/02)
101 Watt Guitar Amplifier: The original of the unit above. Retained for posterity, and has speaker box details (schematic added 6/07)]
15 Watt Amplifier: (electronic design added 6/07)
18 Watt Audio Amplifier: (electronic design added 6/07)
2 Channel Power Amplifier: 2-Channel Power Amplifier based on NTE1606. circuit is powered by a12V,10-Amp power supply. power of output channels is4 W connected to 8-ohm loudspeakers (added 2/07)
-/+ -0.1V Differential Amplifier Circuit using Zero Threshold EPAD MOSFETs: Circuit Ideas for Designers - Application Notes - Advanced Linear Devices, Inc. (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
A Single Amplifier Precision High Voltage Instrument Amp: DN25 - Design Notes (Linear Technology) (added 1/06)
AC Coupling Instrumentation Amplifier Improves Rejection Range Of Differential Dc Input Voltage: 09/30/04 EDN Design Ideas / (added 12/04) The need for conditioning low-level ac signals in the presence of both common-mode noise and differential dc voltage prevails in many applications. In such situations, ac-coupling to instrumentation and difference amplifiers is mandatory to extract the ac signal and reject common-mode noise and differential dc voltage....
AN-257: Careful Design Tames High Speed Op Amps: AN-257 - Analog Devices Application Notes (added 2/06)
Amplifier And Current Source Emulate Instrumentation Amplifier: 11/13/03 EDN Design Ideas / (added 12/04) The classic three- or two-op-amp instrumentation-amplifier circuits are standard ways to amplify a small-amplitude differential signal contaminated with high common-mode noise. In some applications, the signal source is floating with high-series-output impedance and thus requires an appropriate high-input-impedance amplifier....
Brick-wall lowpass audio filter needs no tuning: 9/14/06 EDN Design Ideas / (added 10/06) Gyrator supercapacitors eliminate need for inductors in this 15-kHz filter.
Lowpass Filter uses Only Two Values: 07)/05/01 EDN Design Ideas / (added 12/04) In recent years, image-parameter design of LC filters has received new consideration (references 1 and 2). The composite lowpass filter uses interior constant-k full sections terminated by m-derived half-sections. For best passband response, you usually select m to equal 0.6. However, m=0.5 can still give useful filter performance while reducing the number of component values....
Active 2nd Order Filters: (electronic circuit added 7/03)
Butterworth Filters: (electronic circuit added 7/03)
Chebyshe Volt Bandpass Filter: (electronic circuit added 7/03)
Low Pass Active Filter: (electronic circuit added 7/03)
78 RPM and RIAA Phono Equaliser: Multi Standard 78 RPM and RIAA Phono Equaliser handles all "standards" (added 6/07)
Adjustable 60Hz Filter: to filter out any HUM that may be picked up by a noisy power supply or long wire connection (added 4/02)
Adjustable Audio Notch Filter: (schematic added 9/02)
Akerberg-Mossberg AM Second Order Notch inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
Berka-Herpy BH Second Order Notch non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
Build an Adjustable High Frequency Notch Filter: 02/06/03 EDN Design Ideas / (added 12/04) Although you can obtain universal, resistor-programmable switched-capacitor filters that are configurable as notch filters, most cannot operate at bandwidths higher than 100 kHz. Furr, typically 16to 20-pin packages do not include a continuous-time, antialiasing filter to prevent spurious signals from appearing at output....
Closing the Loop Deepens Notches: 05/07)/02 EDN Design Ideas / (added 12/04) Notch filters remove a single unwanted frequency from an input signal. They are also a vital component of pulse-shaping networks, such as time-averaging filters. You can tune a state-variable filter over a wide range by changing the time constants of its integrating amplifiers (references 1, 2, and 3). ...
CW Filters: (electronic circuit added 7/03)
Easy Parametric and Graphic Eq's Plus Peaks and Notches: (circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Fliege Second Order Notch non-inverting: (electronic design added 6/07)
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