AN17 Emergency Lighting Systems and Battery Powered Fluorescent Lighting: High Current To92 Switching Transistors Provide 87% DC-AC Conversion Efficiency: Zetec Semiconductors Applications Notes An overview of principles behind typical emergency lighting systems, fluorescent tube behaviour, and requirements of transistors for efficient voltage inversion. The note also includes two "Royer" based designs for low voltage systems. (app note added 6/06)
Bidirectionall Power Inverter: (circuit added 1/07)
Choosing DACs for Direct Digital Synthesis: AN-237 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 6/06)
DAC ICs: How Many Bits Is Enough?: AN-327 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 6/06) Digital audio playback DACs are available in a variety of different architectures--each with it's own performance tradeoffs.
DC/AC Inverter (interq): (electronic circuit added 4/05)
DC/AC Inverter (interq): (electronic circuit added 4/05)
Resistance, DC Current, AC Current, Frequency and Period Measurement Errors in DMMs (5988-5512EN): Aligent Application Note (added 4/08)
+5 to-15 Volts DC Converter: National Semiconductor - Application Note (app note added 2/06)
+30V Power Supply with +5V: I made the power supply which makes about +30V with +5V power supply.
The direct current is changed into the alternating current by the oscillator which used the schmitt trigger inverter which has the hysteresis characteristic and the resonance circuit. The high DC voltage (+50V) is made with the alternating voltage using the voltage amplification rectification circuit. (app note added 6/06)
1.3V Power Supply: This is a replacement power source for 1.3V mercury cells or other small batteries. It has many uses and I use this circuit in my computer to power a front panel multi adapter which has a digital thermometer. (added 6/06)
3.3V lithium cell supply requires one inductor: 08/05/99 EDN - Design Ideas / (added 09/05) Because of the growing popularity of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries and 3.3V power supplies, portable-equipment designers must often create a 3.3V supply that a single Li-ion cell can power. The fact that the output of a Li-ion battery ranges above and below 3.3V during its discharge cycle complicates the design.
48kw Resonant Converter for X-Ray Machines Uses High Speed Power Modules With Integral Liquid Cooling: This paper describes an innovative method for the removal of heat from the four IGBT power modules equipping a 48kW ZVS-mode resonant power converter for CT X-ray machines. Application Note Microsemi APT9904 ( app note added 4/08)
6 to 12 Volt Converter: This circuit can provide up to 800mA of12V power from a 6V supply. The circuit is simple, about 75% efficient and quite useful. (added 4/02)
9-V Stabilized Power Supply: (added 2/06)
60V Step-Down DC/DC Converter has Only 100µA Quiescent Current: DN1007 - Design Notes (Linear Technology) (app note added 1/06)
+/-5V Power Supply Operation with TC7106A/7107A (TC7106A/7107A): Microchip Application Note - Published 12-Nov-02 (app note added 6/06)
Avoiding Passive-Component Pitfalls: AN-348 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06) The Wrong Passive Component Can Derail Even Best Op Amp or Data Converter. Here Are Some Basic Traps to Watch For.
Analog Signal-Handling for High Speed and Accuracy.: AN-342 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06)
Crystal Controlled Time Base Generator: (Electronic Circuit / Schematic added 10/04)
Crystal Oscillator overcomes typical Drawbacks: 08/17/98 EDN-Design Ideas / (Electronic Circuit diagram added 03/03)
JT-11ssp 6m as Input Transformer for Crystal Cs5367 A/D Converter: transformer balanced passive input circuit for CS5367 A/D converter, PDF file (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Specifying Quartz Crystals: Maxim Application Notes / 726 / Dec-08 (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Study of the Crystal Oscillator for CMOS CoPS: National Semiconductor Application Note 04 Nov1995 (circuit / schematic added 2/03)
Use of the CMOS Unbuffered Inverter in Oscillator Circuit: Texas Instrument Application ReportSZZA043 January 2004 (Electronic circuit design added 02/05)
Ultra Low Voltage Micropower Crystal Oscillator Circuit: Circuit Ideas for Designers - Application Notes - Advanced Linear Devices, Inc. (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Analog multipliers take cube roots: 4/10/97 EDN-Design Ideas -- (electronic circuit added 5/'02)
13.8 Volt 20psu: This is a Regulated DC power supply with short circuit protection and with current limiter. (added 6/03)
Add-on Current Limiter: With buzzer (circuit added 11/06)
Circuit Provides Hiccup Current Limiting: 06/26/03 EDN Design Ideas / (added 1/05) Current-limit protection is an essential feature for power-supply systems. The three major types of current-limit-protection mechanisms are constant, foldback, and hiccup. Hiccup current limit performs the best of the three types; however, the implementation is rather complex. In this scheme, upon detection of an overcurrent event, the whole power supply shuts down for an interval before it tri......
Current-Limit Switch is Digitally Programmable: 08/17/00 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 2/06)
L200 Psu: easy to power supply with1-single L200 IC, offers a variable current limit of up to2 A, as well as voltage regulation (added 10/05)
Voltage Reference sets Current limit : 11/19/98 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 6/06)
4 to 20 Mloop Needs No External Power Source: 09/13/2001 EDN - Design Ideas / (Electronic circuit design added 02/05) The simple circuit in Figure 1 uses a low-current-drain MAX4073H amplifier to sense the current flowing through a 4- to 20-mA loop. The circuit senses the current through a 1Ω resistor with a fixed gain of 100 and uses no battery or dc power supply. The low current drain of the amplifier (0. .
Loop powers Current transmitter: 10/28/99 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 2/06)
Circuit forms novel floating current source: 05/01/03 EDN Design Ideas (added 1/05) Figure 1 shows a polarization circuit applicable to ISFET (ion-sensitive field-effect-transistor) sensors. ISFETs are solid-state chemical sensors that measure the pH value of a solution in biomedical and environmental applications, for example. The circuit in Figure 1 is extremely simple; it sets fixed-bias conditions for ISFET sensors (VDS=I0 RX; IDS=I0)....
A Simple Current-Sense Technique Eliminating a Sense Resistor (AN-7): Application Note 7 from Microsem (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
AN-D16: Lnd1 Series: Constant Current Sources And: Supertex Semiconductors (app note added 2/06)
AN-D18: Dn25 Series: Constant Current Sources And: Supertex Semiconductors (app note added 2/06)
Cascode Current Source : Circuit Ideas for Designers - Application Notes - Advanced Linear Devices, Inc. (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Constant Current Battery Charger: (circuit added 7/02)
Current Source and Sink Circuits Have Low Tc: 07/04/96 EDN-Design Ideas / (Electronic Circuit diagram added 03/03)
Current Source Multiplication: Circuit Ideas for Designers - Application Notes - Advanced Linear Devices, Inc. (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
A Closer Look at LVDS Technology: Pericom Semiconductor Application Note # 041 (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
An introduction to the CAN protocol that discusses the basics and key features.: Microchip Application Note - Published 16-Sep-05 (Electronic Circuit added 03/06)
AN-1074: CAN Products from National Semiconductor Users Guide and Application Note: National Semiconductor - Application Note (Electronic Circuit added 03/06)
AN515: Communicating with IIC Bus using PIC16c5x: Microchip Application Note - Published 26-Aug-97 (Electronic Circuit added 03/06)
AN971: USB Port-Powered Li-ION/Li-Polymer Battery Charging: Microchip Application Note - Published 31-Jan-05 (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Design a Low Jitter Clock for High Speed Data Converters: Maxim Application Notes / 800 / Aug-05 (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Design a Visible Optical Link for RS 232C Communications: 01/09/03 EDN Design Ideas / (Electronic Circuit added 03/06) The design in Figure 1 is a visible optical link for those who need to see the transmitted data. An isolation figure of more than 5000V is a bonus. Tests of the system used the COM input of a data-acquisition system, as well as a standard PC's COM port. The MC1489 converts the RS-232C data to TTL signals....
DS92LV010A Bus LVDS Transceiver Ushers in a New Era of High-Performance Backplane Design: National Semiconductor - Application Note (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
DS92LV010A Bus LVDS Transceiver Ushers in a New Era of High-Performance Backplane Design: National Semiconductor - Application Note (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
CA3090 Stereo Decoder: Stereo Multiplex Decoder (circuit added 8/06)
LM1310 FM Stereo Decoder: Converts your mono FM Receiver to Stereo (circuit added 8/06)
LM1800 Stereo Demodulator: Phase-Locked Loop FM Stereo Demodulator (circuit added 8/06)
Remote Control Encoder/Decoder with PIC16c620 and PIC12c508: (circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Use Your Printer Port as a High Current Ammeter: 07)/06/00 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 7/03) -With a few inexpensive components and INT1Ch, you can turn the printer port of your PC into a high-current ammeter....
High and Low Voltage Cutout with Delay and Music: Voltage variations and power cuts adversely affect various equipment such as TVs, VCRs, music systems and refrigerators. This simple circuit will protect the costly equipment from high as well as low voltages and the voltage surges (when power resumes). It also gives a melodious tune when mains power resumes. When mains voltage is normal,..... (added 10/05)
Feedback Circuit Eliminates CCD Driver Delay Mismatch: 09/18/03 EDN Design Ideas / (added 1/05) In a CCD (charge-coupled device), packets of charges shift across the array. The transistor array, also called a bucket-brigade shift register, receives drive from a dual-phase clock signal. Dual-phase clock signals comprise two synchronized clock signals that are 180° out of phase. High peak-output-current CCD drivers can buffer the logic-level clock signals and turn them into high-voltag......
Delay Line Implements Clock Doubler: 07)/18/96 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 3/03)
Butterworth Filter has Adjustable Group Delay: 08/08/02 EDN Design Ideas / (added 1/05) The Sallen-Key realization of a 5.25-MHz, three-pole Butterworth filter has a gain of 2V/V and can drive 75Ω back-terminated coax with an overall gain of 1 (Figure 1). Used to reconstruct component-video (Y, Pb, Pr) and RGB signals, this filter has an insertion loss greater than 20 db at 13.5 MHz and greater than 40 db at 27 MHz (Figure 2)....
Spread Spectrum Method Identifies Audio Path: 04/13/00 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 8/04) An unusual method of audio spread spectrum can identify the audio path that's currently in use through a consumer-electronic device. The design in Figure 1a uses an injected audio spread-spectrum tag signal because a listener does not notice the low...
Inverted Bipolar Transistor Doubles as a Signal Clamp: 11/09/00 EDN-Design Ideas / (Electronic circuit added 7/03) A number of circuits, such as level detectors and AM demodulators, benefit from a rectifier with a low offset voltage....
Demodulator Schematic/Design: The demodulator block diagram below has three major sections that were implemented in this iteration of the design, the mixer, the filter, and the phase shift network (Electronic circuit added 7/03)
Clock Recovery Scheme Suits Low Snr Systems: 06/05/00 EDN-Design Ideas / (Electronic circuit added 7/03) A clock-recovery architecture can operate with NRZ digital signals, even at low SNRs. A clock-recovery subsystem is based on a PLL comprising a phase comparator, a loop filter, and a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)....
Ber Meter is Easy to Build: 03/02/00 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 1/06) A bit-error-rate (BER) tester is a basictool for digital-communications measurements. Although many commercial BER testers are available, you can easily design and build an inexpensive version. The scheme in Figure 1 has performance similar to that of a commercial tester but requires you to perform a manual calculation based on displayed data. The tester displays received bits and received erroneous bits, and you must calculate the BER data using a handheld calculator, for example....
1-Wire Humidity Sensor: App Note 758: Maxim IC (application note added6/06)
741 Based Light Sensor: CdS photocell used for light/dark controlled relay (added 4/02)
Measure humidity and temperature on one TTL line: 08/30/01 EDN Design Ideas / (added 1/05) By combining the responses of an Analog Devices ( AD590 temperature sensor and a Humirel ( HS1101 humidity sensor, you can generate a single TTL-level signal containing information from both sensors (Figure 1). This design uses a 74HC123 monostable multivibrator, IC1, to form a free-running oscillator. ...
Tiny Dew Sensor: (electronic Circuit / Schematic added 10/04)
Dew sensor: Dew (condensed moisture) adversely affects the normal performance of sensitive electronic devices. A low-cost circuit described here can be used to switch off any gadget automatically in case of excessive humidity. At the heart of the circuit is an inexpensive (resistor type) dew sensor element. Although dew sensor elements are widely used in video cassette players and recorders, these may not be easily available in local market. However, the same can be procured from....(added 11/06)
Synthesize Optimal Digital-Frequency Dividers: 05/13/99 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 11/05)
Clock Divider Circuit: (circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Counter Provides Divide by 45 Function: 05/22/97 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 3/03)
Circuit divides frequency by N+1: 07/11/02 EDN Design Ideas / (added 1/05) Digital frequency dividers usually use flip-flop stages that connect the Q pin to the D data-input pin of the following stage. This configuration creates a binary waveform that you can feed back to the input. You can divide any integer lower than 2N with minimal stages, where N is the number of stages....
Birdie Doorbell Ringer: (schematic / circuit added 10/02)
Ding-Dong Bell: (electronic Circuit / Schematic added 10/04)
Doorbell with Counter: (circuit added 7/02)
Multi-Switch Doorbell with Indicators: (electronic Circuit / Schematic added 10/04)
Ask the Applications Engineer-2: AN-351 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06) Trimming Offset and Gain in A/D's and D/A's
AN-711: AD5227 Evaluation Kit for the 64-Position, Up/Down Control Digital Potentiometer: AN-711 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06)
AN-642: Coupling a Single-Ended Clock Source to the Differential Clock Input of Third-Generation TxDAC® and TxDAC+® Products: AN-642 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06)
AN-420: Using the AD9708/AD9760/AD9701/AD9764-EB Evaluation Board: AN-420 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06)
AN-336A: Image Compression-Spelling Out the Options: AN-336A Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06)
AN-318: AD7528 Dual 8-Bit CMOS Multiplying DAC: AN-318 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06) This Application Note details a myriad of circuit applications made possible by multiplying characteristics and/or resistor ladder matching characteristics of AD7528.
AN-310: Single Supply 12-Bit DAC Circuits using the AD7568: AN-310 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06)
AN-271: Applying the New CMOS Micro-Dacs: National Semiconductor Application Note (app note added 2/06)
AN-237: Choosing DACs for Direct Digital Synthesis: AN-237 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06)
Square Wave to Sine Circuit: (Electronic circuit added 7/03)
+5V Switching regulator (1): (electronic circuit added 2/07)
12 Volt 30 Amp PSU: Using multiple power transistors to increase current of 7812 IC voltage regulator (circuit added 11/06)
2 Watt Switching Power Supply: from 6V to14V (added 4/02)
12 Volt DC to 120 Volt AC Inverter: this inverter should solve that problem. It takes12 VDC and steps it up to120 VAC. -Wattage depends on which transistors you use for Q1 and Q2, as well as how "big" a transformer you use for T1. inverter can be constructed to supply anywhere from1 to1000 (1 KW)-
AB-11 / PC Board Layout Checklist: DC-DC Converters: Fairchild Application Notes / (app note added 6/06)
AN-348: Avoiding Passive-Component Pitfalls: AN-348 Analog Devices Application Note (app note added 2/06) The Wrong Passive Component Can Derail Even Best Op Amp or Data Converter. Here Are Some Basic Traps to Watch For.
AN-4140 / Transformer Design Consideration for off-line Flyback Converters Using Fairchild Power Switch (FPStm): Fairchild Application Notes / (app note added 6/06)
Boost Controller Drives Buck Converter: 02/03/97 EDN Design Ideas / (added 3/05) -By adding an external Switching Transistor, you can use a step up dc/dc Converter to step down voltages to produce an efficient Battery Powered Power Supply, this example Circuit can step down inputs as Low as2V to Outputs as Low as1.25V, with efficiency as high as 80%
Avoiding Passive-Component Pitfalls: AN-348 Analog Devices Application Note (app note added 2/06) The Wrong Passive Component Can Derail Even Best Op Amp or Data Converter. Here Are Some Basic Traps to Watch For.
Buck/Boost Charge Pump Regulator Powers White LEDs from a Wide 1.6 Volt to 5.5 Volt Input: Maxim Application Note #1021 (app note added 7/03)
Build a Transformerless 12V to 180V DC/DC Converter: 07)/08/04 EDN Design Ideas / (added 1/05) Some transducers for portable or automotive applications need accurately regulated, high-voltage bias and draw little current. To produce such high voltages from a low battery voltage, designers typically use switch-mode dc/dc converters—generally, flyback converters. These converters exhibit high efficiency at medium or high output power.
1 Hz to 100 MHz VFC Features 160 Db Dynamic Range: 9/1/05 EDN Design Ideas / (added 10/06) Transform voltage to current over wide frequency, amplitude.
Photo-Diode Current-To-Voltage Converters: National Semiconductor Application Note (app note added 2/06)
Design Formulas Simplify Classic V/I Converter: 01/20/00 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 7/03)
Voltage-To-Current Conversion Amplifier: How to transform the passive voltage-to-current converter into an active one. (added 4/08)
Voltage to Current Converter Makes a Flexible Current Reference: 09/18/03 EDN Design Ideas / (added 1/05) The voltage-to-current converter in Figure 1 can both source and sink current. The circuit is more flexible than some traditional current references that require different topologies for current sourcing and sinking. Also, you can easily adjust the value of the current reference by simply adjusting the circuit's input voltage....
Ask the Applications Engineer (V/F Converters): AN-361 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06)
AN-C: V/F Converter ICs Handle Frequency-To-Voltage Needs: National Semiconductor Application Note (app note added 2/06)
AN967: Bidirectional VF Control of Single and 3-Phase Induction Motors using the PIC16F72: Microchip Application Note Published 27-Jan-05 (app note added 6/06)
AN-361: Ask the Applications Engineer (V/F Converters): AN-361 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06)
AN-277: Applications for the AD537 Voltage to Frequency Converter: AN-277 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06)
Acceleration to Frequency Circuits: AN-411 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06)
10 Khz VF0.02% V/F Converter Consumes Only 26 µA: 07/04/96 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 11/05)
C uses Charge Pump Variation: 04/09/98 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 3/03)
AN-C: V/F Converter ICs Handle Frequency-To-Voltage Needs: National Semiconductor Application Note (app note added 2/06)
Using the ADT7461 as a Multichannel Temperature Sensor: AN-702 Analog Devices Application Note (app note added 2/06)
Temperature-Based Fan Control using the MAXQ2000 Microcontroller: App Note 3620: Maxim IC (application note added6/06)
Thermofan to Keep Your Amp Cool: (circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
TC64X/TC64XB Demo Board for Fan Speed Controllers: Fan control module allows the user to quickly prototype fan control circuits based on the TC642 or TC646 PWM Fan Control IC's. Its uses though hole components for easy user assembly and evaluation. (app note added 6/06)
Suppressing Acoustic Noise in PWM Fan Speed Control Systems: Microchip Application Note Published 27-Jul-04 (app note added 2/06)
Speed Error in PWM Fan Control Systems (TC646, TC647, TC649): Microchip Application Note Published 27-Jul-04 (app note added 2/06)
MOSFET Switch Provides Efficient AC/DC Conversion: 02/17/00 EDN-Design Ideas / (schematic / circuit added 11/03)
Fan Speed Control is Cool!: App Note 1784: Maxim IC (application note added6/06)
Fan timer Based on Motorola 68HC908QT2: (circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Computer Fan Speed Tacho Out Circuit: Add a Fan Speed Monitor Lead to Any 12V Two Wire Fan: You will find this identical circuit inside most 3 wire computer fans with speed monitoring output to the motherboard.
Peel off the sticker from the fan hub in order to access a motor winding pin for connecting up the tacho circuit. (added 2/05)
Circuit Generates Analog FAN-Speed Control: App Note 1125: Maxim IC (application note added6/06)
AN764: Implementing Temperature-Based Variable Fan Speed Control in Nlx Power Supplies: Microchip Application Note Published 4-Feb-03 (app note added 2/06)
AN-612: ADT7463 Configurations: AN-612 Analog Devices Application Note (app note added 2/06)
AN-699: Noise Filtering and the ADT7461: AN-699 Analog Devices Application Note (app note added 2/06)
AC line powers microcontroller-based fan-speed regulator: 11/9/2006 EDN Design Ideas / (added 02/07) Capacitor drops voltage, decreases waste heat in line-powered controllers.
AN-1262: Four-Speed Fan Control using Simple Remote Diode Temperature Sensor: National Semiconductor Application Note (app note added 2/06)
AN-1262: Four-Speed Fan Control using Simple Remote Diode Temperature Sensor: National Semiconductor Application Note (app note added 2/06)
1 Second Time Base from Crystal Oscillator: (electronic circuit added 05/07)
2 Transistor Atomic Frequency Standard: (schematic added 8/03)
2.8 GHz prescaler keeps cost down: 07)/20/00 EDN-Design Ideas / (added11/05)
28 LED Clock Timer 72 LED Clock: programmable clock Timer circuit that uses individual LEDs to indicate hours and minutes (added 4/02)
40 LED Bicycle Light (555 Timer 6 Volt): (schematic added 8/03)
555 DC-AC Inverter: (circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
555 Go/No Go Tester: (schematic added 8/03)
555 Makes Handy Voltage to time Converter: 02/01/01 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 06/03) The circuit in Figure 1 is a simple, low-cost voltage-to-time converter using ubiquitous 555 timer chip. You can use IC's monostable multivibrator as a voltage-to-time converter by connecting analog-voltage input to charging resistor, R, instead of connecting R to VCC. With this modification,....
AN-1173: High Speed BUS LVDS Clock DistributionUsing the DS92CK16 Clock Distribution Device: National Semiconductor Application Note (app note added 2/06)
AN-349: Keys to Longer Life for CMOS: AN-349 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06) Here's How CMOS Can be Protected Against Abuse
AN-214: Ground Rules for High Speed Circuits: AN-214 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06) Layout and Wiring Are Critical in Video Converter Circuits.
Ad-03: Effects of Aperture Time and Jitter in a Sampled Data: National Semiconductor Application Note (app note added 6/06)
9 Second Digital Readout Timer: (circuit added 7/02)
9 Second LED Relay Timer: (circuit added 7/02)
Acquisition Times of the ADN2812: AN-757 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 6/06)
74ACT74 makes Low-skew clock divider: 12/17/98 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 11/05) Serial-data systems often generate an internal clock at twice data rate for mid-bit sampling or for generating bi-phase codes. External equipment and some internal processes require a clock that runs at data rate. Simply dividing twice-rate clock with a flip-flop generates a data-rate clock that is ....
Cheap Crystal filter: Ladder filter using six 4.43MHz Crystals. Building cheap side band filter for your bome brew SSB Rig. . (Circuit added 9/04)
1 Second Time Base from Crystal Oscillator: (Electronic circuit added 7/03)
AN-213: Low Cost, Two-Chip, Voltage-Controlled Amplifier and Video Switch: AN-213 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06)
8 Hints for Making Better RF Counter Measurements: Agilent Application Note (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Simplified Analysis of Phase-Locked Loop Capture and Tracking Range (AN 1200-7): Agilent Application Note (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Microcontroller Makes Effective Frequency Counter: 11/23/00 EDN-Design Ideas / (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Transition Counter Gauges Thermal Stability: 01/04/96 EDN-Design Ideas / (Schematic / circuit added 10/05)
Amplifiers Perform Precision Divide by 2 Circuit: 02/06/03 EDN Design Ideas / (added 1/05) The classic implementation of a voltage-halving circuit uses two equal-value resistors. Using 1% resistors provides a divider output with 2% accuracy. For most applications, this performance is cost-effective and more than adequate. However, when you need extreme precision, this approach requires correspondingly accurate resistors and can become expensive....
Cheap 40kHz Clock: (circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Clock Divider Circuit: (circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Counter Provides Divide by 45 Function: 05/22/97 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 3/03)
Avoiding Passive-Component Pitfalls: AN-348 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06) The Wrong Passive Component Can Derail Even Best Op Amp or Data Converter. Here Are Some Basic Traps to Watch For.
Applications of the LM392 Comparator Opamp Ic: National Semiconductor Application Note 04-Nov-1995 (app note added 4/02)
AN-87: Comparing the High Speed Comparators: National Semiconductor Application Note (app note added 2/06)
AN-41: Precision IC Comparator Runs from +5V Logic Supply: National Semiconductor Application Note (app note added 2/06)
AN-348: Avoiding Passive-Component Pitfalls: AN-348 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 2/06) The Wrong Passive Component Can Derail Even Best Op Amp or Data Converter. Here Are Some Basic Traps to Watch For.
An IC Voltage Comparator for High Impedance Circuitry: National Semiconductor Application Note (app note added 2/06)
Absolute Value Circuit Delivers High Bandwidth: 05/15/03 EDN Design Ideas / (added 1/05) Most absolute-value circuits have limited bandwidth and high component count, and y require several matched resistors. The circuit in Figure 1 uses three fewer components than most absolute-value circuits require, and only two of resistors must have 1% tolerance to obtain 1% accuracy. This circuit's output voltage is an accurate representation of absolute value of input signal,......
25-Pin PC Serial Port to MIDI Synthesizer Interface Cable: (electronic circuit added 4/05)
9 to 9 Pin (Female) Null Modem Cable: (circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
9-pin null modem cable: (circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
A Serial Infrared Remote Controller: (electronic circuit added 4/05)
AN-916: A Practical Guide to Cable Selection: National Semiconductor Application Note (app note added 2/06)
Apple Mac to MIDI Synthesizer Interface Cable: (electronic circuit added 4/05)
Casio QV-200 Digital Camera Cable. : Lose your cable? Build it yourself and save $29. Fits many QV models. (added 7/03)
Commonly Used RS-232 Serial Port Cables: (design circuit added 8/02)
Interface Cable for Casio Qv-200 Digital Camera: (electronic circuit added 4/05)
Laptop Computer Serial Port Power Booster: (schematic / circuit design added 9/02)
8k and 16k Microwire EEPROM Enhancements: Microchip Application Note Published 11-Feb-04 (app note added 2/06)
7 Segment Rolling Display using PC: It is very interesting and convenient to be able to control everything while sitting at your PC terminal. Here, a simple hardware circuit and software is used to interface a 7-segment based rolling display. The printer port of a PC provides a set of points with some acting as input lines and some ors as output lines. Some lines are open collector type which can be used as input lines. The circuit given here can be used for interfacing with any type of PC’s printer port. The 25-pin parallel port connector at back of a PC is a combination of three ports.. (added 10/05)
300 Baud Modem Circuit Schematic: Text is in French (added 4/05)
2m 20m Transverter: (circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
24 Line Parallel Interface for the PC : (electronic circuit added 7/03)
200 Watt Modified PC Power Supply 13.5 Volt 14 Amp: (electronic circuit added 4/05)
25 Watt MOSFET Amplifier: High Quality simple unit. No need for a Preamplifier (added 9/04)
25-Pin PC Serial Port to MIDI Synthesizer Interface Cable: (electronic circuit added 4/05)
2 Channel Port Powered RS-232 to RS422 Converter: information on commercial product, datasheet includes full circuit diagram (added 4/02)
2 Transistor Circuit Replaces IC #1: 02/07)/02 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 4/02) -Jim Hagerman's article Linear Technologies recently introduced LTC4300 chip buffers I2C clock and data lines to and from a hot-swappable card. This task is difficult because IC must work bidirectionally.
2 Transistor Circuit Replaces IC: Linear Technology's recently introduced LTC4300 chip buffers I2C clock and data lines to and from a hot-swappable card. This task is difficult because IC must work bidirectionally (added 08/05)
(AN-2) Ultra2 SCSI White Paper: Application Note Microsemi 1202 (added 2/07)
Salt Water Battery: (Circuit / schematic design added 6/06)
Variable Voltage Source: The high current regulator below uses an additional winding or a separate transformer to supply power for the LM317 regulator so that the pass transistors can operate closer to saturation and improve efficiency. For good efficiency the voltage at the collectors of the two parallel 2N3055 pass transistors should be close to the output voltage. The LM317 requires a couple extra volts on the input side, plus the emitter/base drop of the 3055s, plus whatever is lost across the (0.1 ohm) equalizing resistors (1volt at 10 amps), so a separate transformer and rectifier/filter circuit is used that is a few volts higher than the output voltage..... (added 4/05)
Signal Sources Conditioners and Power Circuitry: AN98 Linear Technology Eighteen circuits are presented in this compilation. Signal sources include a voltage controlled current source, an amplitude/frequency stabilized sine wave oscillator, a versatile, 0V to 50V wideband level shift and four sub-nanosecond pulse generators with risetimes as low as 20ps. Five signal conditioners appear; a unique, .... (added 9/06)
High Voltage Linear Regulator and Constant Current: Supertex Semiconductors (app note added 6/06)
Constant Current Battery Charger: (circuit added 7/02)
AN-D18: DN25 Series: Constant Current Sources And: Supertex Semiconductors (app note added 2/06)
AN-D16: LND1 Series: Constant Current Sources And: Supertex Semiconductors (app note added 2/06)
Build a Precise DC Floating Current Source: 08/18/05 EDN Design Ideas / (added 11/05) Use a general impedance converter and resistors to develop a specialized current source.
Circuit Simulates Contact Bounce : 05/08/97 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 2/06)
Switch Debouncer uses Only One Gate: 05/30/02 EDN Design Ideas / (schematic / circuit added 11/03) The circuit in Figure 1 produces a single debounced pulse each time you press S1. Moreover, the circuit uses only logic power from the remote pull-up resistor, R2. You can use the circuit to detect when a key is pressed in a nonenergized device, such as a device in a system that's just coming up from standby
Pushbutton Switch Debouncer: (electronic Circuit diagram added 03/03)
µC acts as dedicated motor control : 09/11/98 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 6/06)
µC Provides Wireless Keypad Control: 10/08/98 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 6/06) Portable systems, such as telephone handsets, make extensive use of low-dropout (LDO) regulators. se components provide noise-sensitive parts with a stable power-supply line. ....
12 Volt Strobe Circuit: this circuit uses12V DC instead od mains AC. This is very good idea if you don't want to mess with direct mains voltage connected circuit or you want to run stroboscope from batteries. (added 4/02)
2 Wire Remote Microphone Amplifier : (electronic circuit added 7/03)
230 Volt AC Motor Controller: controls speed of230-Volt AC universal motor, in PDF format, text in Finnish (added 6/06)
2-wire Lamp Flasher: This circuit has been designed to provide that continuous light lamps already wired into a circuit, become flashing. Simply insert circuit between existing lamp and negative supply. Especially suited for car or panel pilot lights, this device can drive lamps up to 10W.... (design added 11/06)
35kHz Magnetic-Radiation Remote-Control: (electronic circuit added 4/05)
80C31 Stepper Motor Controller: (electronic circuit added 4/05)
12 Volt DC to 120 Volt AC Inverter: this inverter should solve that problem. It takes12 VDC and steps it up to120 VAC. -Wattage depends on which transistors you use for Q1 and Q2, as well as how "big" a transformer you use for T1. inverter can be constructed to supply anywhere from1 to1000 (1 KW)-
AN17 Emergency Lighting Systems and Battery Powered Fluorescent Lighting: High Current To92 Switching Transistors Provide 87% DC-AC Conversion Efficiency: Zetec Semiconductors Applications Notes An overview of principles behind typical emergency lighting systems, fluorescent tube behaviour, and requirements of transistors for efficient voltage inversion. The note also includes two "Royer" based designs for low voltage systems. (app note added 6/06)
AN-327: DAC ICs: How Many Bits Is Enough?: AN-327 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 6/06) Digital audio playback DACs are available in a variety of different architectures--each with it's own performance tradeoffs.
Choosing DACs for Direct Digital Synthesis: AN-237 Analog Devices Application Notes (app note added 6/06)
DC/AC Inverter (interq): (electronic circuit added 4/05)
DC/AC Inverter (interq): (electronic circuit added 4/05)
Emergency Lighting Systems and Battery Powered Fluorescent Lighting: High Current To92 Switching Transistors Provide 87% DC-AC Conversion Efficiency: Zetec Semiconductors Applications Notes An overview of the principles behind typical emergency lighting systems, fluorescent tube behaviour, and the requirements of the transistors for efficient voltage inversion. The note also includes two "Royer" based designs for low voltage systems. (app note added 6/06)
60V 3A Step-Down DC/DC Converter has Low Dropout and 100µA Quiescent Current: DN352 - Design Notes (Linear Technology) (app note added 6/06)
Passive Differentiator tops Active Designs: 04/28/94 EDN-Design Ideas / (Electronic Circuit diagram added 03/03) The simple, passive differentiator in Fig 1 achieves accurate differentiation even at frequencies approaching the limit, fO=1/(2[pi]RC). The circuit surpasses the performance of an op-amp-based differentiator. The trick is to add a carefully selected inductor, [phi], to eliminate the first- and second-order terms in the equation for the phase angle, f, between the input and output signals. Ideally, of course, to achieve perfect differentiation, this phase angle should be equal....
µC controls digital potentiometer : 10/08/98 EDN-Design Ideas / (added 11/05)
10 Tricks for Interfacing to the PIC16c508: (electronic circuit added 7/03)
15-Step Digital Power Supply: (electronic Circuit / Schematic added 10/04)
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